Monthly Archives: August 2014

Once more, my love

We must come to the conclusion,
my dear,
that the bustle and joy
are no longer here

Days have passed
and nights so long,
comfort is nil,
affection all wrong

Every word uttered
ends only in spite
there is no longer a path
to lead to well, and right

Once more, my love,
come into my arms
so as to remember
only my charms

To taste only laughter
and not a salty tear,
we have reached our journey’s end
and must part soon, my dear

* * *

I’ve been away from writing for awhile, but have wanted to join the Light and Shade challenge since I saw it pop on Thomas Marlowe’s blog, Marlowe Manor
For this challenge, in 100 words or less, you write whatever comes to mind in regards to either a text prompt, a photo prompt, or both. I am a fan of the lack of restrictions for this, I admit.

I wrote this based on the quote prompt for this round:

True is it that we have seen better days.
-As You Like It, Shakespeare

Categories: Fiction, Poetry | Tags: , , , | 2 Comments

The Plunge

~posted as free flow poetry on my tumblr blog~

Some days,

She climbed the ladder and

Padded to the end of the

Diving board,

Bounced to her toes

And a did a swan dive


The Melancholy Ocean.

She swam through the

Swamp of Empathy,

Where every rescue animal

That needed a home,

And every child

That needed a hope,

Every man who ever felt less than,

And every woman who

Ever feared,

Poked leaks through

Her wetsuit and flooded in,

And the weight of the world

Almost bore her to the bottom.

She sliced through the Sea of the Sad,

What am I

Where am I

Why am I

Who am I

Whisked in alternating ears

With every breaststroke,

And barely broke the surface

To gasp in a gulp of air.

She dove under,

Kicked towards the bottom,

The dreck and the dark,

The muddy cloud,

Kicking up dirt,

The Sea Floor of all that was,

Those that had given up,

Dreams that had petered out

And sunk,

Books unwritten

Songs unsung

Dancers who remained stationary.

She faces the waves and the swells,

With tearful equanimity,

Because she always knows,

That once she clambers

Onto the far bank,

The pains and the hurts and the ideas,

Rush gushing from a

Fountain of Gratitude

And the sky is bluer,

The trees are greener,

The laughter brighter and

The love more fierce,

Because she can feel both sides of the coin.


Categories: Poetry | Tags: , , | 2 Comments

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