Monthly Archives: December 2013

Random Snippets

Sacrifice and self-discipline were uncomfortably aligned in her mind, and she wanted nothing to do with either. She wanted to eat a goddamn brownie and stretch out on her bed, in her comfy pants, and watch an entire television series in one sitting. The thought that this was an accomplishment in and of itself made her laugh out loud.

She reached for a book, instead, to read a few chapters of imaginary transportation to a town called Desperation, founding father Stephen King. A strange book, for him. Gore and guts and old gods, sure, run of the mill crazy stuff. But also the Christian God, with a capital G-O-D, a straight out of the bible run of the mill cruel and loving god taking center stage as well. Worth the re-read, especially for this line: ‘That sound is about the lure of emptiness and the pleasures of zero.’

Now that line, that line stuck in her brain and resonated in there, creating its own echo that defined the sound King was trying to invoke.

Chapters done, she opted for a movie instead of a television show. Flicking through the new releases on Amazon, it seemed that a lightening humor would be a counter-weight to the overthinking the book had brought on. The World’s End, the nonsense about aliens and some sort of English pub crawl, perfect. Lo and behold- the comedic geniuses behind Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz managed to sneak a surprisingly grown up story into the background. Part touching, part heartbreaking, and all bitter honesty, it was still funny enough to make her laugh out loud over and over again. The soundtrack was fantastic, blasting her right back to her freshman year in high school, and the camera work and editing were so spot on that she rewound a few scenes just to re-watch their perfection. Also, Argus Filch redeemed the Red Wedding as the town crackpot, Basil.

Late night, movie done, satisfied but somewhat at a loss with her guy working the night shift and her boy child occupied with friends on X-box, she twiddled around on tumblr for a little bit, considered the night well spent and nodded off.

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